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18/04/2022 5:20 下午
电子海图和水文气象是建设智慧航道的基础,能够为船舶智能航行提供辅助信息。目前IHO(国际水道测量组织)已初步建立了基于S-100的水文信息系统。IHO于2010年发布了《S-100通用海道测量数据模型》,作为海道测量的通用数据标准。IHO S-100是开放式数据模型,可以全面扩展到海事领域,并允许其他组织、机构通过注册方式利用IHO S-100建立自己领域的海事数据模型。IMO海上安全委员会第90次会议上同意将IHO S-100标准其作为在SOLAS范围内创建数据获取框架和提供e航海服务的基础标准,此决议促进了IHO S-100标准的发展,有效地推动IHO S-100系列标准的制定。
IHO相关的IHO S-100系列产品规范(S-101 to S-199)
- S-101 Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC)
- S-102 Bathymetric Surface
- S-103 Sub-surface Navigation
- S-104 Water Level Information for Surface Navigation
- S-111 Surface Currents
- S-112 Open - (See Decision HSSC9/38)
- S-121 Maritime Limits and Boundaries
- S-122 Marine Protected Areas
- S-123 Marine Radio Services
- S-124 Navigational Warnings
- S-125 Marine Navigational Services
- S-126 Marine Physical Environment
- S-127 Marine Traffic Management
- S-128 Catalogue of Nautical Products
- S-129 Under Keel Clearance Management (UKCM)
- S-130 Polygonal Demarcations of Global Sea Areas
- S-131 Marine Harbour Infrastructure
- S-164 IHO Test Data Sets for S-100 ECDIS
IALA相关的IHO S-100系列产品规范(S201-S299)
- S-201 Aids to Navigation Information
- S-210 Inter-VTS Exchange Format
- S-211 Port Call Message Format
- S-212 VTS Digital Service
- S-230 Application Specific Messages
- S-240 DGNSS Station Almanac
- S-245 eLoran ASF Data
- S-246 eLoran Station Almanac
- S-247 Differential eLoran Reference Station Almanac
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)相关的IHO S-100产品规范(S301-S399)
Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (WMO/IOC JCOMM) (S-411 to S414)
- S-411 JCOMM Ice Information
- S-412 JCOMM Weather Overlay
- S-413 Weather and Wave Conditions
- S-414 Weather and Wave Observations
This topic was modified 3 年 前 by HIFLEET